I think any scrapbooker will tell you they love patterned paper!
It can be inspiration to a layout or a card!
I guess it could start the argument what came first the chicken or the egg?
Well what comes first for you the picture your scrapbooking or the patterend paper?
I think that I have taken both approaches at one time or another, but this time I picked the paper.
I was going through my papers and came across the Basic Grey-June Bug collection and just started creating, I really started to appreciate a lot of the papers in the collection, not just the ones that originally made me want this paper. It is a bold collection but I really enjoyed working with this package and I think pushed me into a different style than I'm used too.
Which is always good and exciting!
Here is what I created using Basic Grey-June Bug papers:
This layout I created for one of the crop challenges but I added to it since.

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